Returning to Exercise

A lot of us start the year motivated to make some changes to our current exercise routine or even start a new activity for the first time. This can often lead to injury or burnout, which is what we don’t want! We have compiled our top 3 tips to keep your new exercise goals on track.

1.       Set a goal – by setting a goal you are then able to break that goal down into daily or weekly steps. This gives you some direction and allows you to make gradual changes rather than huge ones

2.       Check your shoes – this is particularly important if your new exercise of choice is running or walking. If your shoes are close to 12months old, it may be worth replacing them to reduce the risk of injury

3.       Ease into things – many niggles and injuries are caused by doing too much too soon. A slow injury free build is better than a fast uncomfortable one.

 We hope this has given you a little guidance for kickstarting your exercise for 2022. Happy exercising!